Cool Card Water Cycle

This lesson begins with a card match game that is similar to Old Maid.  The goal is to gather a complete set of cards that represent the water cycle.  The winner also wants to hold the water aquifier card to gain extra points.  The polluted water card is essentially the "Old Maid".  The goal is to get to a certain point value.  This can be changed depending on the time allowed.  There is an extension activity provided as well as vocabulary that matches the GLE. The website provides all the cards you need to complete the game. The vocabulary list could be used to create vocabulary cards for a word wall or objective board.

Standards & Objectives

Learning objectives: 


Students will identify the components of the water cycle.

Lesson Variations

Blooms taxonomy level: 
Extension suggestions: 


  • Have students get a bucket or large jar and fill with water. Then on the outside of the jar, have students mark the water level with a piece of tape. Have students check the water levels once a week for 1 month. Mark the water level with a piece of tape each week. Ask the students what could be causing the depletion of the water? Is someone drinking it each evening? Is someone pouring it out? At the end of one month, discuss evaporation and have students give their ideas of how this process could have been altered. Tie in your discussion with the water cycle.
  • Write each word of the water cycle (condensation, precipitation, etc) on the chalkboard. Hold a contest to see which student can come up with words derived from letters in the water cycle words.
  • Divide the class into 2 groups. Have each group write a play about the water cycle. Let each group design their own props and costumes and then invite parents to attend the productions.

Helpful Hints


  • 1 deck of Water Cycle Cool cards per student 
  • 1 copy of Water Cycle key per group

