Tennessee Tools
These resources are provided by the Tennessee Department of Education and include the materials formerly hosted on the TNCore website (discontinued). The resources were created to align with the Tennessee academic standards and provide support regarding the academic content areas, college and career ready standards, and other department initiatives.
Please note that this is a compilation of resources created over the past several years. In some instances, specific resources may reference standards or assessments that are no longer applicable in Tennessee; in that case, educators should use their best judgment to determine whether the materials still align with their content area and could benefit their students.

- Instructional Resources (174 items)
- Assessment Resources (197 items)
- Common Resources (3 items)
- Training Media Resources (31 items)

ELA / Literacy
The Tennessee state standards in English language arts (ELA) outline the reading, writing, language, speaking, listening, and research skills students will need to succeed in college and the workforce. With a renewed emphasis on the close reading of complex texts, especially literary nonfiction, our ELA standards require all students to graduate ready to read and respond to the academic and technical texts they will encounter throughout their adult lives.- Instructional Resources (114 items)
- Assessment Resources (97 items)
- Common Resources (7 items)
- Training Media Resources (11 items)

The Tennessee state science standards allow our students to engage with rigorous science content embedded with engineering, technological, and mathematical skills. These integrated components provide our students a foundation and framework for lifelong scientific thinking and problem solving.- Instructional Resources (28 items)
- Assessment Resources (9 items)
- Common Resources (4 items)
- Training Media Resources (1 items)

Social Studies
The Tennessee state social studies standards provide learning expectations across six content strands and all grade levels. The literacy standards for teachers of history/social studies subjects are a subset of the Tennessee state standards for English Language Arts. These literacy standards do not change the subject-area content. Rather, the literacy standards provide expectations for how students will read and write in those courses.- Instructional Resources (23 items)
- Assessment Resources (9 items)
- Common Resources (6 items)
- Training Media Resources (4 items)

Career & Technical Education
Tennessee's Career & Technical Education consists of 16 nationally recognized career clusters with the ultimate goal of preparing students for success at the postsecondary level and in their chosen careers. The literacy standards for teachers of technical subjects are a subset of the Tennessee state standards for English Language Arts. These literacy standards do not change the subject-area content. Rather, the literacy standards provide expectations for how students will read and write in those courses.- Instructional Resources (26 items)
- Assessment Resources (4 items)
- Training Media Resources (1 items)
eduToolbox® is a resource-sharing portal developed by the Ayers Institute for Learning & Innovation with collaborative support and funding from the Tennessee Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Education's Math & Science Partnership program.